They Will Always Remember How You Made Them Feel

When I was little, my father, a business owner, told me something that I never forgot:

“People will not always remember what you said, what you did, what you looked like, or what you cost…but they will always remember how you made them feel.”

Continue reading They Will Always Remember How You Made Them Feel

Chiro Cleanup – Part 4: Dirty Laundry

It certainly seems that the millisecond some of us walk across, the stage, out the door, and into the great wide open, we start accumulating some.  Indeed, in time, each of these items will warrant–and receive–its own post, but for now, I’ll provide the Cliff’s Notes, which are by no means a complete list.

(I’ll preface all this by acknowledging that there are a few bad apples in every profession, and that the field of chiropractic is not in any way unique in that regard.  I also wholeheartedly agree that most DCs get sick people well on a daily basis, without breaking laws or resorting to unflattering schemes.  However, over the years, my dismissal of extreme stories as simple urban legends, horror stories, or exaggerated rumors gave way to a realization that we have a few more bad apples than we care to admit to.  And it’s time we did some admitting, followed immediately by some cleaning house.)

We have closet perverts in our midst.

Continue reading Chiro Cleanup – Part 4: Dirty Laundry